Pre-set searches Examples
Year (between 450 and 1066)
(Not every year has an entry; if you draw a blank, try a range instead.)
Year range (two numbers separated by -, without spaces) 865-92
Day of year (Month day)
(Not every day has a recorded event; there is a list of anniversaries under Dates.)
March 17
Charter (S<space><Sawyer number>)
(If you've only got a Birch or Kemble number, try "B 596", "K 527", including quotation marks)
S 360
Group of charters (range or comma-separated list of charters or ranges) S 360, 365-6, 370, 1443

Full-text searches Examples
Single-word search Winchester
Exact phrase (in quotes)
(Finds only records with the exact phrase entered)
"Dunstan B"
Any words (without quotes)
(Finds records containing any of the words or quoted phrases listed)
(2. would find "Kings Worthy" or "Martyr Worthy", but not "Abbots Worthy")
1. Alfred Edward
2. "Kings Worthy" "Martyr Worthy"
Google-type options (+/-)
(+ before any word or phrase means it must appear, - means it mustn't; the example finds records which mention Winchester, but not Emma)
+Winchester -Emma
Special Old English characters
(Use the html codes -- &AElig;, &aelig;, &THORN;, &thorn;, &ETH;, &eth;)
"&AElig;thelstan A"