S 1046

A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to St Edmunds; confirmation of privileges and grant of land at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and eight and a half hundreds at Thingoe, Suffolk. Latin and English versions.

Archive: Bury St Edmunds

MSS: Latin
1. Cambridge, U.L., Ee. 3. 60, 130r (s. xiv)
2. Cambridge, U.L., Ff. 2. 33, 23r (s. xiii2)
3. Cambridge, U.L., Ff. 4. 35, 4r (s. xv; incomplete)
4. Cambridge, U.L., Gg. 4. 4, 97rv (s. xv)
5. BL Add. 14847, 31r (s. xiv)
6. BL Harley 645, 143v (s. xiv)
7. BL Harley 743, 59r (s. xiv)

8. Cambridge, U.L., Ff. 2. 33, 23r (s. xiii2)
9. BL Add. 14847, 31rv (s. xiii)

Printed: Latin
K 915 ex MSS 6, 7; Thorpe, pp. 418-19 ex MSS 5, 6, 7; Hervey 1907, p. 609; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 1046.

K 1346 ex MS 9; Thorpe, pp. 417-19ex MS 9, with translation; Hervey 1907, p. 607, with translation, p. 608.

Comments: Davis 1909, pp. 418-20; Lobel 1935, p. 7; Harmer, Writs, p. 141 n. 2, spurious; Keynes 1980, p. 113 n. 92, spurious; Dumville 1993, p. 37 n. 140, p. 38, spurious; Pelteret 1995, p. 167 n. 13, on a formula.

+ In omnipotentis dei nomine. Ego Eadwardus rex indico omnibus hominibus de consilio quod consiliatus sum cum omnibus consiliariis meis pro remedio animae meae et pro incolumitate tocius gentis meae; hoc est, quod annuo aeternam libertatem sancto regi Eadmundo in loco in quo requiescit ita pleniter sicut unquam plenius habui, et hoc uolo ut libertas ita stet in eius potestate, ut quotiens homines censum persoluerint exercitui uel nauibus tociens uillae eius habitatores censum persoluant uelut alii homines ad necessitatem abbatis et monachorum qui ibi debent pro nobis seruire. Et abbatiam quam Cnut rex ibi elegit, ac postea frater meus Hardecnut rex simili modo stabiliuit, pignore meo et omnium episcoporum meorum cunctorumque procerum necnon comitatum eiusdem episcopi consilio corroboraui, ut nunquam aliquis debeat transmutare ad alterius ordinis uiros, nisi uelit separari a communione dei et omnium sanctorum eius. Annuo etiam sancto regi Eadmundo terram ad Myldenhale cum uictu et hominibus; et iura regalia viii. et dimidiam placitorum ad Ðynghowe quod Anglice dicitur nygend half hundred; et omnium uillarum suarum iura regalia annuo in omnibus terris quas modo habent et quas adhuc adquisituri sunt in dei amore ac mei et tocius populi.

On almiðin drichtines name.

Ic Eadward king kyðe alle manne ðe red ðat ic mid alle mine redgiuen red habbe for mine soule þerfe and for alle mine þedchipes sindfulnesse.

ðat is ðat ic an eke fredames ðan halegen kinge seint Eadmunde so forð so he fermest hauede into ðere stowe ðe he onrestet.

An so wille him ðat se fredom stonde on his welde, ðat so fele siðe so men gildeð hire gilde to heregilde, oðer to schipgeld, gilde ðe tunschipe so oðere men don to ðe abbotes nede and ðere moneke ðe ðer binine schulen for us seruen, and ðe abboteriche ðat Cnut king ðer ches, and siðen Hardecnut king mine broðer also it staðelfaste.

and ic suðen eac swilke mid ðere schirebiscopes rede, and mid mine wedde, and alle mine biscope, and alle mine wytene it fultremede ðat ic nefre ne schulle ani man wenden to oðere hodes manne, buten he wolde ben aschired from Godes manne and alle hise halegen.

And ic an ðan halegen kinge ðat land at Mildenhale mid mete and mid manne and mid sokne so it me on hande stod, and ðe halfnigende hundredes sokne into ðinghowe.

And ic han hem al here tune sokene of hale here londe ðe he nu habbeð oðer giet bigiten schullen on Godes este and on mines an alle folkes.

God how healde.