S 492

A.D. 943. King Edmund to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at South Newton, Wilts., with meadow at Weolces clife, and 3 hides at Frustfield (lost), Wilts. Latin with English bounds.

Archive: Wilton

MSS: BL Harley 436, 20v-24v (s. xiv)

Printed: Hoare, Reg. Wilton, pp. 10-12; K 395 and vol. iii. 418-19; B 782; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 77.

Comments: Hoare, Modern Wilts., ii. 81; Grundy, Wilts. 1919, pp. 271-4, 276-8, on bounds; Darlington 1955, p. 92; Finberg, ECW, no. 260, authentic, cf. similar bounds in S 766; Taylor 1964, on bounds; Hart 1970/1, p. 22, on rubric; Keynes 1980, p. 24 n. 33, on rubric; Meyer 1981, p. 351 n. 6, p. 353, cited.

þis his niwantunes boc 7 fyrstes feldes. þe eadmund cing gebocade Wulfgare his þegne on ece yrfe.

þis syndon þa land gemæro to niwantune. Aerest on suþeweardan of oteres hole up andlang wiliges oþþa lace. þonne andlang þære lace oþ pynding mersc. þonne be þæs hlinces niþer ecge oþ þæt hit cymþ to þæm yrþlande. þonne eft on wilig on pynding ford ufewerde. þonne of pyndingforda up andlang þære westemestan lace. Oþ eft innan wilig on þa ealdan dic. þonne andlang þære dic oþ ðæs furlanges up ende. þonne norþ on gerihte to þære ealdan dic. þonne andlang þære dic oþ þæs clifes norþ hyldan. þonne east andlang be þam yrþlande oþ hit cymþ to þam wic herpaþe. ðonne andlang þæs wic herpaþes to þam stænenan stapole. þonne suþ andlang þæs weges oð þone stænan stapol. Of þam stapole on dune on þorn dune cumb to þære mæde. Forþ be þære to þære ealdan dic. Andlang þære ealdan dic ut on afene. þonne andlang afene oð þæs poles heafod. þonne of þæm pole up on ættan dene. Norþ hyldan swa swa seo ealde furh ryct up to þæm stænenan stapole. And swa west to þære ealdan hlinc ræwe. And swa beþære yrþ mearce niþer to hig forde. þonne of hig forda eft ofer wilig on oteres hol. þis is seo mæd þe hyrþ to niwantune æt Weolces clife. þonne gæþ þæt gemære suþ up of wilig on þa lace to þæs clifes west ende. þonne a up be þam yrþlande þæt eft on wilig æt þare dic.

þis sindon þa land gemæro to fyrste felda westewearden þeg byrgeþ to þæm þrim hidum. þæt his ærest æt hlidgeat leage. þonne of hlidgeat leage andlanges hagan on hæ/ cumb on sceard hweogl on hemede weg. Of hemede wege on hean hylle on þa rugan þyrnan. Of þære þyrnan on þa brembel þyrnan on þære dice norþ ende. þonne andlang dic oþ þone suþ ende. Of þam ende on þone weg. Of þam wege on þa ealdan dic. Of þære dic on wulfstanes heges byhte. Of þam byhte on þæs cumbes heafode on cealc crundel. Of cealc crundle on ceab wisce. Of ceab wisce on þæt reade land. Fram þam readen lande on eadeages treow. Of þam treowe on dyrbroc. Of dyrbroce eft sona on hlidgeat leage. And seo læs is to foran eallum mannum gemæne on þam hæþ felda.