S 914

A.D. 1006 for 1002. King Æthelred to Christ Church, Canterbury; refoundation of the monastic community and confirmation of land at Eastry, Ickham, Bossington, Adisham, Appledore, Swarling, Preston, Graveney, Westwell, Chart and Farleigh, Kent; at Patching, Sussex; at Meopham and Cooling in West Kent; at Walworth, Surrey; at Risborough, Bucks.; at Lawling in Latchingdon, Essex; at Hadleigh and Monks Eleigh, Suffolk; and in Thanet. Latin and English versions.

Archive: Canterbury, Christ Church

MSS: Latin
1. Canterbury, D. & C., Reg. A, 78v-79r (s. xv)
2. Canterbury, D. & C., Reg. P, 24v-25v (s. xii)
3. BL Cotton Claud. A. iii, 2r-3v (s. xi)
4. BL Harley 1757, 171rv (s. xvi)
5. London, Lambeth Palace, 585, p. 3 (s. xvii; extract)
6. London, Lambeth Palace, 1212, pp. 327-8 (s. xiii)
7. Bodleian, Gough Berks. 20, 9r-10v (s. xviii; ex 3)
8. Bodleian, Tanner 223, 18r-19r (s. xvi)

9. BL Cotton Claud. A. iii, 4r-6r (s.xi)
10. Bodleian, Gough Berks. 20, 11r-12v (s. xviii; ex 9)

Printed: Latin: Alford 1663, iii. 434-5; Wilkins, Concilia, i. 284-5; K 715; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 99 (no. 5) ex MS 3; Fleming 1997, pp.141-3 (no. 70) ex MS 2.

English: Wilkins, Concilia, i. 282-4; K 715 with end of witness-list Printed as last four lines of K 847; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 99 (no. 6), last three lines are end of this witness-list as in K 847.

Comments: Napier and Stevenson, p. 135 n. 1, it must be dated 1001 or 1002; Plummer 1899, p. 179, spurious; Stevenson in Salter, Eynsham Cart., i. 20 n. 3, spurious; Robinson 1926, p. 238, spurious; PN Bucks., pp. 170, 174; Wallenberg, KPN, pp. 313-14, on place-names; Whitelock 1937, p. 461 and n. 6, cannot be later than 1002; Whitelock, Wills, p. 176, of doubtful authenticity; Harmer, Writs, p. 453; Ker, Catalogue, pp. 239-40 (no. 185), art. a, scribe of MSS 3, 9 writing s. xi1; Chaplais 1966/1, p. 174, on scribe of MSS 3, 9 (= 1973, p. 59); Hart, ECEE, no. 84, spurious; Hart, ECE, no. 40, spurious; HRH, p. 232, ? for 1002, probably spurious; Hart, ECNE, p. 385, reassesses as authentic; Gelling, ECTV, no. 157 (pp. 77-8, 162), spurious; Keynes 1980, p. 261, spurious; Brooks 1984, pp. 257-9, spurious, discusses scribe of MSS 3, 9; Hart 1992, pp. 461-2, spurious in received form, but contains authentic information; Lapidge 1992, pp. 258-9, forged in 11th century (= 1993, p. 290); Pfaff 1992, pp. 278-9, on scribe of MSS 3, 9; Dumville 1993, pp. 126, disputes identification of scribe of MSS 3, 9.

Rubric: Hoc priuilegium ego Æðelredus rex Anglorum, Ælfrico archiepiscopo aecclesiae regimen Christi gubernante dictaui et subscripsi.

In nomine domini dei omnipotentis. Ego gratia summitonantis Angligenum Orcadarum necne in gyro iacentium monarchus Æðelredus, Angligenis notesco philochristis dum pater uenerabilis archipraesul Ælfricus cura pastorali memet sollicite mandatis diuinis saepissime debriauit, ingenioque crescente salubri creator deus cor illustrauit regium nostrum, mundumque cotidie ab hominum malitia senescentem uel deficientem intelligens, proh dolor, dei seruitium passim nostra in gente a cultoribus clericis defleo extinctum et tepefactum, unde satrapis docentibus meis in gente piissimis aecclesiam saluatoris in Cantia positam, expulsis pro uitiis patulis clericis, cum sanctus Augustinus, iussu beati Gregorii papae, monachos infra Christi aecclesiam primitus, rege piissimo annuente Æðelberhto, constituit, grege monachali dominam gentis Christo opitulante adornabo, substantiam aecclesiae monachorumque nouiter inibi locatorum perpetualiter in huius libelli corroboratione priuilegioque confirmo. Uillulae uero Christi ad aecclesiam rite pertinentes quae temporibus antiquissimis a meque monarcho aliisque fidelibus hactenus concessae sunt, lingua plebeia haec continent uocabula. Primitus Eastrige, quod rus specialiter dum in decimationem sorte prouenit mearum uillarum, pro redemptione peccaminum, terra ripaque marina, Christi aeternaliter aecclesiae contribuo; postquam constat Ioccham uillula, Bosingtun et Edesham appendentia parua Apeldra et Swyrdhlincas, Preostantun, Grauanea, Wyllan, Ceart, Fernleah; on Suðsexan Pæccingas; in occidentali Cantia Meapham, Culingas; in Suðrian iuxta Lundoniam Wealawyrð, itidem ultra flumen Tamense; Hrisebeorgam margine luci Cilterni uillula aecclesiae Christi rite pertinens; in Orientalibus_Saxonibus Lælling; in Orientalibus_Anglis Hæðleh; et in regione eadem Illaleh; in insula Tanatorum territoria lata. Sit autem praedictum Christi speciale monasterium cum uillulis omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, ab omni seruitute liberum terrena, campis, pascuis, pratis, siluarum nemoribus, mariscis salsis, piscationibus, uenationibus, aucupationibus, tribus exceptis, expeditione, pontis arcisque reaedificatione. Si quis uero beneuolum hoc nostrum priuilegium muneribus deo dignis augere satagat, amplificet sibi deus mansionem amoenam sedibus in superis cum omnibus sanctis. Si tunc, ut non optamus, quis maleuolum diabolico instinctus flatu, hanc nostram confirmationem minuerit uel dempserit, partem cum Iuda proditore domini accipiat, et dentibus Cerberi infernalis sine termino cum daemonibus omnibus Stigia palude corrodetur, nisi mortem ante communem congrua emendet satisfactione quod nequiter contra deum suum deliquit factorem; cum uero melius sit peccatum cauere quam emendare, rogo et cunctos successores obsecro fideles reges, episcopos, duces, gentisque dominatores, ne sitis Christi raptores, aecclesiae uerum substantiae monachorumque inibi deo seruientium seduli defensores, ut pacem habeatis cum iustis non deficientem in coelis. Scriptum est hoc priuilegium mille decurso anno uero .vi. his testibus me rogantibus necne concordantibus quorum uocabula inferius lucide karaxantur.

+ Ego Æðelredus Anglorum induperator hoc priuilegium ore manuque crucis signaculo corroboro.
+ Ego Ælfricus Dorobernicus archipraesul hanc praerogatiuam uexillo sancto confirmaui.
+ Ego Wulfstanus Lundoniae pontifex aecclesiae huius regis beneuolentiam trophaeo sancto consolidaui.
+ Ego Ælfheah Wentoniae episcopus assensum praebui.
+ Ego Ordberht episcopus consensi.
+ Ego Æðelricus episcopus condonaui.
+ Ego Aðulfus episcopus pro uiribus annui.
+ Ego Godwinus Hrofensis aecclesiae episcopus corroboraui.
+ Ego Liuingus regis beneficium in deo conclusi.
+ Ego Wulfricus abbas.
+ Ego Ælfward abbas.
+ Ego Wulfgar abbas.
+ Ego Ælfsinus abbas.
+ Ego Leofricus abbas.
+ Ego Ælfsinus abbas.
+ Ego Wighardus abbas.
+ Ego Ælfric dux.
+ Ego Ælfhelm dux.
+ Ego Leofwine dux.
+ Ego Leofsige dux.
+ Ego Æðelmær minister.
+ Ego Ordulf minister.
+ Ego Eadric minister.
+ Ego Byrhtric minister.
+ Ego Æðelric senex minister.
+ Ego Leofric minister.
+ Ego Sigeward minister.
+ Ego Sigered minister.
+ Ego Wulfstan senex minister.
+ Ego Wulfstan iuuenis minister.
+ Ego Lyfing minister.
+ Ego Leofstan minister.

On drihtnes naman ælmihtiges Godes.

Ic Æðelred mid Godes gyfe Angelðeode cyning, and wealdend eac oðra iglanda ðe her abutan licgað, cyðe Engliscum cristenum mannum hu se arwyrða arcebisceop ælfric of his bisceoplican wisdome and gymenne me on Godes bebodum oft abysgud hæfð.

Ic eac ðurh Godes gyfe mine þearfe of ðære godcundan lare and bodunge geornlice understandan wylle, and ic ðisne ðeodscype undergyte ðurh manna yfelnysse and unrihtwisnysse eall to wide fordonne, and forhergudne.

Eac betwux minum andgyte ic geseo and soþlice understande ðæt þes ðeodscype ðurh preosta gymeleste wide on ðisum earde þurh ungehealdsumnysse awyrd is, and ic Godes ðeowdom aledne and acoledne ðearle behreowsige.

Sæde ic minum witun ðe me for Gode and for worulde rædað þæs him God andgyt sylð mines modes hohfulnysse.

Cwædon hi ða ðæt hit ðurh Godes fultum betere wære ðæt ic ða preostas of Cristes cyrcean for hiora openan leahtran and gyltan geutode, and Cristes cyrcean mid munechades mannum gesette þe for me and minne leodscype ðærinne woldon rihtlice gebiddon and God gladian.

Ic ða swa dyde, on Cristes cyrcean munecas gesette of ðære bysne ðe sanctus Augustinus hider tobrohte.

ðæt wæs ðæt he on Cristes cyrcean be sanctus Gregorius hæse and ðæs mæran cinges geðeahte and fultume æðelbryhtes, ða haligan munecas ðærinne gesette ðe he hider on eard mid him brohte.

And ða munecas syððan þurh hira haligan drohtnunga to biscopan gewurdan ðære cyrcean landspede.

And ðæra muneca ðe ðær niwon inne gelogode synd ecelice on ðisum sunderfreolse ic gestrangige.

And ðara tuna her on naman awrite þe of ealdum dagum and fram me Angelcinge, and eac of oðrum geleaffullum mannum hiderto, to ðære halgan stowe gesealde syndon.

ærest is, Eastrige þæt land into Cristes cyrcean for minre sawle, ge on lande, ge on sæstrande ecelice ic sylle.

ðonne is Ioccham, Bosingtun, Edesham and Apeldra, Lytle Berewic, Swyrdhlincas, Preostatun, Grauanea, Wyllan, Ceart, Fernleah.

On Suðsexan, Pæccingas.
On WestCent, Meapham, Culingas.
On Suðrian wið Lundenne, Wealawyrð eftsona begeondan Tæmese.
Hrisebyrgan be Cilternes efese to Cristes cyrceantun rihte togelicgende.
On Eastsexum, Lælling.
On Eastenglum, Hædleh.
And ðær fulgehende Illaleh.
On Tenet lande sum dæl landes.

Si æfre ðis forespecen mynster fram eallum eorðlicum þeowdome freoh, and mid eallum ðam tunum ðe him to gelicgað, þæt is on feldum and on læsewum, and on mædum, and on wudubearwum, and on sealtum merscum, and on fiscnoðum, and on huntnoðum, and on fugelnoðum.

Butan þysum þrim ðingum, þæt is, fyrdfærelde, and brigcgewurce, and burhbote.

Gyf hwylc welwillendra manna ðysne minne sunderfreols mid godum ðingum geeacnian wylle, gemænifylde God ælmihtig his wununge on heofonlicum setlum mid eallum halgum.

Gyf ðonne hwylc yfel man of deofle onæled sy ðæt he ðisne minne sunderfreols gewanige oððe gelytlige, sy he Iudas gefera Cristes belæwendes, and sy he toren of hellehundes toðum on ðam egeslicum hellewitum, mid eallum deoflum butan ælcum ende, butan he hit ær his endedæge rihtlice gebete, þæt he wið his drihten manfullice agylte.

ðonne hit soðlice betere is, ðæt man wið synne warnige ðonne hi man geswincfullice bete.

Ic bidde and halsige ealle geleaffulle mine æftergengan ciningas, and bisceopas, and ealdormen, and þeode wealdendras, ðæt ge ne syn Cristes cyrcean reafgendras, ac þæt ge syn geornfulle beweriendras Cristes agenre landare, and ðara muneca ðe ðær Gode þeowian, ðæt ge on ecere reste singal lif, and myrhðe habban motan mid eallum his halgum, æfre butan ende, Amen.

Ic Æðelred Engla cining þysne Cristes cyrcean sunderfreols on Cristes strengðe getrymme.
Ic Ælfric Cristes cyrcean arcebisceop þæs godan cinges freols mid rode tacne æfre gestrangie.
Ic Wulfstan Lundeniscra manna bisceop mines hlafordes dugoðgife æfre geðwærige.
Ic Ælfheah Wincestriscera manna bisceop þises foresædan cinges bocunge be minre strengðe gefæstnige.
Ic Ordbyrht bisceop þæt ylce mid Godes bletsunge dyde.
Ic Æþelric bisceop ðæt ilce dyde.
Ic Aðulf bisceop ðæt ylce dyde.
Ic Godwine bisceop eal ðæt ylce dyde.
Ic Lyfing bisceop mines hlafordes willan and godnysse ecelice getrymme.
Ic Wulfric abbod soð gewitnys.
Ic Ælfward abbod ealswa.
Ic Wulfgar abbod.
Ic Ælfsige abbod.
Ic Leofric abbod.
Ic Wighard abbod.
Ic Ælfric ealdorman.
Ic Ælfhelm ealdorman.
Ic Leofwine ealdorman.
Ic Leofsige ealdorman.
Ic Æðelmær mines hlafordes discþen gewitnys.
Ic Ordulf ealswa trywe gewitnys.
Ic Eadric trywe gewitnys.
Ic Byrhtric cinges ðegen gewitnys.
Ic Æþelric ealda trywe gewitnys.
Ic Leofric hrægelðen trywe gewitnys.
Ic Siward cinges þegen æt ræde and æt runan ðisre spræce trywe gewitnys.
Ic Sigered Siwardes broðor trywe gewitnys.
Ic Wulfstan ealda gewitnys.
Ic Wulfstan geonga gewitnys.
Ic Lyfing soð gewitnys.
Ic Leofstan gewitnys.