S 709

A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ælfric, his faithful minister; grant of 1 hide (mansa), less a half pertica, at Manworthy in Milverton, Somerset. Latin with English bounds.

Archive: Wells

MSS: 1. BL Cotton Vitell. E. v, 124r (s. xvi; abbreviated)
2. Wells, D. & C., Liber Albus II, 289rv (s. xv/xvi)

Printed: K 1244 ex MS 1; HMC Wells (1885), pp. 195-6 ex MS 2; B 1116 ex MS 2; B 1117 ex MS 1.

Comments: Grundy, Somerset, pp. 44-8, on bounds; Drögereit 1935, p. 426; Finberg, ECW, no. 488, authentic; Keynes 1980, pp. 73-4, 'Edgar A' formulation.

This is thære anre hyde land boc æt Monawyrthyge the Eadgar cyng gebocade Ælfrice his thegene on ece yrfe .

+ Annuente Altithroni moderatoris imperio totius Albionis triviatim potitus regimine non immemor ob hoc mihi recidiva fore concessa ut his strenue æterna lucrarer .

Quapropter ego Eadgar totius Brittannie basileus quandam telluris particulam . I . videlicet mansam excepta dimidia pertica , loco qui celebri æt Monowyrthige nuncupatur vocabulo cuidam ministro mihi oppido fideli qui ab huiusce patriæ gnosticis nobili Ælfric appellatur vocabulo pro obsequio ejus devotissimo perpetua largitus sum hereditate

ut ipse vita comite cum omnibus utensilibus , pratis videlicet , pascuis , silvis , voti compos habeat , et post vitæ suæ terminum quibuscumque voluerit cleronomis immunem derelinquat . Sit autem predictum rus omni terrenæ servitutis jugo liberum

tribus exceptis , rata videlicet expeditione , pontis arcisve restauratione .

Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit , privatus consortio sanctæ Dei ecclesiæ eternis baratri incendiis lugubris jugiter cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur , si non satisfactione emendaverit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum .

His metis præfatum rus hinc inde gyratur .

This synd there are hyde land gemæru to Monawurthige Ærust an Monawurthiges ford . of tham forda up on Strem an æstcumb . of æstcumbe anriht gemære an Pendancumb up an Pendacumb to therewille of than wille on riht gemære inan thene thyrlan æst of tham æste in on Beocceles put of tham pytte on riht gæmære to tham fægran wille of tham wylle on dune an stream to Codwæala forda . of tham forda andune strema on smalabroc and land smalabroces to Lihtenes forda of Lihtenes forda up on stream to Bectcelesstile of Bectcelesstile on riht gemære an tha hola dic . of there dic suth on thæne herpoth . thenne and lad herpothes to Heantune suth weardon . of Heuntune on riht gemære to thære bradan apulduran , on geriht mære on thet hwite styb . of than stybbe an clenan mor wæstwearne of clæne more wæsteweardan an thane stream . thanne up on stream . eft on Monawyrthigesford and clæna mor eal intro Monawurthige et Ruwa mor healf and seo læs on stoccum , 7 seo wurædden on harhrycge .

Anno dominicæ Incarnationis . DCCCCLXIII scripta est hæc carta his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina notantur .

+ Eadgar rex Anglorum concessi .
+ Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus corroboravi .
+ Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus confirmavi .
+ Ego Osulf episcopus consolidavi .
+ Ego Byrhtehelm episcopus corroboravi .
+ Ego Alfwold episcopus confirmavi .
+ Ego Byrhthelm episcopus adquievi .
+ Ego Athelwold abbas .
+ Ego Ælfhere dux .
+ Ego Ælfheah dux .
+ Ego Æthelstan dux .
+ Ego Æthelwine .
+ Ego Eadmund .
+ Ego Beorhnod dux .
+ Ego Byrhtferd minister .
+ Ego Elfwine minister .
+ Ego Æthelsige minister .
+ Ego Wulfhelm minister .
+ Ego Ælfsige minister .
+ Ego Osferd .
+ Ego Ælfhelm minister .

Text from Birch 1117

Þis is þære anre hydelande boc æt Monawyrðige þe Eadgar cyng gebocode Ælfrice his þegene on ece yrfe .

Annuente Altitoni moderatoris imperio totius Albionis triviatim potitus regimine , etc. Ego Eadgar tocius Britannie Basileus quandam telluris particulam id est unam mansam excepta dimidia pertica loco qui ce[le]bri æt Monowyrðige appellatur , nobili Ælfrico ministro meo pro fideli obsequio in perpetuam hereditatem dono ei et quibus voluerit cleronom[is] liberam exceptis expeditione pontis et arcis constructione . Si quis hanc violaverit , etc.

Þis synd þære anre hyde land gemeru to Monawurþige .

ærust on Monawurðigesforde of þam forda up on stream on aesccumb of on rightgemære on Pendancumb up on Pendancumb to þaere wille , of þan wille on riht gemærum an þære þyrlan æsc of þan æsce innon Beocceles put of þam pytte on ryht gemaero to þan fægran wylle of þan wylle on dune an stream to Codwaeala forda . of þan forda andune stream on smala broc and lang smala broces to lihtenesforde . of // vp on stream to Beclceles stile of // on riht gemære on þa hola dic of þar dic suð on þæne herpoð þanne and lang herpodes to Henntune suðweardan of // on riht gemaere on þæt hwite stub . of // on clenan more weastweard of // weastweardan on þane streame vp þane eft on Monawyrðiges ford 7 clena mor eal intro monawurðige 7 rawa mor healf 7 seo laes on stoccum 7 seo wuraedden on harhrycge .

Anno 963 scripta est hec chartula .

+ Eadgarus rex Anglorum .
+ Dunstan archiepiscopus .
Oscytell archiepiscopus .
Osulf episcopus .
Byrthelme episcopus .
Alfwold episcopus .
Athelwolde episcopus .

Ælfhere dux .
Ælfhleah dux .
Æthelstane dux .
Æthelwyne dux .
Eadmund dux .
Beorhnoð dux .