S 258

A.D. 749. Cuthred, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 10 hides (familiae) at Clere (Highclere, Hants.). Latin with English bounds.

Archive: Winchester, Old Minster

MSS: BL Add. 15350, 33rv (s. xii; Dunlop 1940, opp. p. 7)

Printed: K 1006; B 179; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 19; Dunlop 1940, p. 7, with translation, pp. 7-8.

Comments: Galbraith 1920, p. 382 n. 2, authentic; Crawford 1922, pp. 75-6, on topography, with map facing p. 81; Grundy, Hants. 1926, pp. 133-7, on bounds; Dunlop 1940, pp. 8-15, on topography; Watkin 1956, p. 212 and n. 53, p. 230 and n. 54; John 1960, p. 43, on prohibition; Finberg, ECW, no. 5, authentic, pp. 217-18, on term familiae; Forsberg 1970, pp. 73-4, on weardsetl; Hart 1970/1, p. 27 (no. 59), spurious; Finberg 1972, p. 413, on use of familiae; Hart, ECNE, p. 382, diplomatic identical with that of S 259, and the bounds with those of S 565; Yorke 1982, p. 81, authentic; Edwards 1988, pp. 140-3, fabrication based on S 259 and 565.

Donum Cuthredi regis to Clearan.

Regnante in æternum domino nostro omnipotente Deo . Ego Cuthredus rex de terra juris mei aliquantulam portionem juxta mensuram scilicet . x . familiarum . quam solicolæ Cleran . nominant æcclesiæ Dei . Petro Pauloque dicatæ civitate Wentana hereditarie perpetualiter impendo . ita ut nullus successorum meorum ipsius terræ portionem ab æcclesia Dei numquam præsumptuosus auferat . Et hæc acta sunt . Anno ab incarnatione domini . dcc.xlviiii . et ut firmius supradictæ donationis meæ munificentiæ roboretur testes idoneos et adstipulatores ad subscribendum confirmandumque prædictæ possessionis privilegium adscivimus . Quorum nomina et personæ infra notantur .

Ærest of Hildan hlewe on hunig weg . 7lang weges on Bregeswiðestan . of þam stane on sceapwæscan . 7lang sceapwæscan . on Aleburnan . 7lang Aleburnan on beueres broces heafod . þanon on coferan treow . of coferan treowe . on þa bradan ac . of þara bradan æc on stuteres hylle niðewearde . þonon on weard setl . of weard setle on wiðig grafas . þæt on scipdel . of scipdelle . on cypmanna [del] . of cypmanna delle 7lang weges . þæt eft on Hildan hlew .

Ego Cuthredus rex propriæ donationis meæ munificentiam signo crucis Christi confirmans roboravi .
Ego Hunfrið Dei gratia episcopus canonice consentiens subscripsi .
Signum manus Æthilheardi economi atque abbatis .
Signum manus Cynibaldi abbatis .
Signum manus Cynrices . nobiles prosapiæ .
Signum manus Ædilfridi præfecti . His limitibus prædictum rus circum vallatur .