S 1448a

A.D. 983 x 985. List of sureties for estates of Peterborough Abbey, relating to land at Warmington, Benefield, Walton, Maxey, Castor, Wittering, Ashton, Oxney in Peterborough, Longthorp, Bainton, Northants.; Anlafestune; Lutton, Northants. English.

Archive: Peterborough

MSS: London, Soc. Ant. 60, 47r-49r (s. xii med.)

Printed: B 1130; Robertson, Charters, no. 40 (pp. 74-82), with translation.

Comments: Hart, ECEE, no. 164; King 1973, pp. 7-8; Hart, ECNE, no. 11.

Þis synd þa festermen þe Osferð swade beard funde . Adeluuolde biscop . 7 Eadulfe abbod 7 Sumerlydan preoste þe þane feste nam æt þan land æt Wyrmingtune . an is Hudeman æt Asencircan . oðer is Ælfuuard æt Dentune .iii. is Sumerlyde æt Stoce .iiii. is Oðul æt Byrnewilla .v. is Fastulf æt Finnesthorpe .vi. is Steigncytel æt Lullingtune .vii. is Ogga æt Suthwycan . viii. is Þurfeorð æt Wermingtune . viiii. is Cytel is broðer .x. is Oswið æt Æthelingtune . xi. is Osmund æt Catteswyrðe .xii. is Cytel Clacces sune æt Wermingtune .xiii. is Sumerlyda preost þe þane feste nam.

Þis sind þa festermen þe Osferð 7 Þur funden Adeluuolde . biscop . 7 Ælfrice cylde . 7 Ealdulfe abbod. on æhte hundred gemote æt Wylmesforda for hiora magas æt þan lande æt Beringafelde . an is Osferð himself .ii. Ealhstan æt Isslepe .iii. Wulnoð Strices sune .iiii. is Sumerlyda æt Stoce .v. is Ætheric þes langa.

Þis synd þa festermen þe Friðolf 7 his broðra fundel Ældulfe abbod æt þat lande æt Waltune . þat is hundehtetig æcera wudes 7 feldes . þonne is þer borhhand Frena 7 Wulnoð Clacces sune . 7 Ætlebrant æt Pilesgeate . 7 Cnut 7 Styrcyr on Uptune . 7 Boia on Mylatune . 7 Drabba 'h'is broðor. Þa Ealdulf abbod bohte þane toft æt Godinge on Waltune þa was him boroh . Vlf 7 Eincund 7 Grim on Castre. Þa Elfric ealdorman bohte þat land æt Leobrantestune æt Frenan on ealles heres gemote on Hamtone þe wes him eal se here boruhhand clenes lande's'.

Þis synd þa festermen þa Osgar funde Ealdulfe abbod þa he bohte þat land æt Macusie an Frena .ii. is Vlf Doddes sune .iii. is Osbern .iiii. is Hundulf .v. is Boia on Myletune .vi. Wiulf Sunta sune .vii. Eadric on Þorp .viii. Grim his broðor .ix. Brenting. Four 7 tuentig æcere is þes wudes . 7 .iixx. h?redlandes buton oðrum gem?num þe Ealdulf abbod gebohte æt Cyneferðe 7 wes Vlf Doddes sune borhhand . 7 Eadric on Þorp . 7 Eincund . 7 Orm . 7 he bohte æt Orme .xii. æceras 7 was Vlf borhhand 7 Eincund . 7 siððon eal wepentac . 7 æt Hungife .xx. æcera . 7 wes Eadric litle borhhand . 7 Fastolf preost . 7 Orm.

Þis sint þa festermen þe Osgot funde Ealdulfe abbod æt þet lande æt Castre . þe he geald him for þam utlage þe he Styrcyr ofslogh Oggod . 7 .ii. suna . Oswi preost . Grim . Boia . 7 Drabba . Ethestan on Optune . 7 Clac . 7 Styrcyr . þet is 'an' toft 7 fourtig æcere herdelandes 7 mædwe.

Þes landes æt Wiðeringige is þe Mannel sealde Adeluuolde .biscop. an hide buton anes oxangang . þonne sint festermen . Gyreweard . Gyrping . Þurwold on Macusige 7 Steigncytel . þonne sealde Clac ane hide . buton anes oxangang . þonne sint festermen . Oggod on Castre . Vlf Doddes suna . Þurwold æt Hylpestune . Clac on Castre . þonne æt Vfige festermen . Vlf eorles suna . 7 Cytelbearn . 7 Osferð Fryðgistes suna . 7 Clac æt Byrnewillan.

Þe Eðered sealde Adeluuolde . biscop synd festermen . Vlf Doddes suna . Þurwold æt Hylpestune . Clac on Castre . Þurhlac ferðeng.

Ealdulf abbod bohte þa mylne æt Esctune mid twam pundum æt Martine . 7 him sin festermen . Frena . 7 Sygeferð . 7 Osferð.

Her ges'w'uteleð þæt Ealdulf abbod gebohte ane hyde landes on Esctune æt Ealfuuolde on þere .iii. hundred gewytnesse æt Wyðreðe crosse . 7 him sin festermen . 7 him festermen Osferð Fryðegystes suna . 7 Byrcsige Warmundes suna . 7 Sumerlyda preost . 7 Hudeman æt Asecyrcan.

Þa Ethelwine ealdorman 7 Ealdulf abbod sealdon Ethestane 7 Ealfuuolde þane latestan penign . æt þam lande æt Burh þa weren þer festermen Frena 7 Eþelsige þes ealdormannes eam . 7 Osforð Fryðegystes suna . 7 Ealfnoð Badan suna . 7 Sumerlyda preost.

Þes landes is .xx. æcera wudes an feldes butan þere leswe þe þer to gebyrið þe Ealdulf abbod gebohte æt Osgode on Badingtune on þære twegera hundreda gewitnesse æt Dicon . 7 him sind festermen . Þurlac . 7 Herulf . 7 Etlebrant . 7 Hundulf.

Ealdulf abbod 7 Alfuuold Bohton oðer healfe hyde æt Swifte mid ehta pundun . þonne synd festermen . Frena . 7 Vlf eorles suna . 7 Osferð Fryðegistes suna . 7 Hudeman . 7 Sumerlyda . on þeræ þreora hundred gewytnesse into Undelum.

Þis synd þa festermen þe Wulfgeat 7 Gyrping fundon þam abbod Æddulfe þa hi þat lande guldun æt Macusige for ðan utlage þa he on Wulnoðe wor'h'te. þonne is an Hundulf oðer is Ulf Doddes sune .iii. Þurlac .iiii. Sigar .v. Þurold on Macesige. Þes landes is under eal .ix 7 xx. gedale.

On þissum gewrite cyð hwet þa festermen synd þes landes ceapes þe Adeluuold .biscop. gebohte æt mislicum mannum ut on Wiðeringa eige ærest on Gyrewerde .xxiiii. æcera 7 þerto god gebotl . 7 him man sealde wið .xii. mancusas goldes . 7 .viii. oran mære wites feos . 7 him weron festermen . Frena . 7 Sigeferð . 7 Oggod. þa bohte man æt Mannele 7 æt 'h'is wife .lx. æcera mid þrim pundum 7 mid anum ?re . 7 him weron festermen Þurlac . 7 Oggod.

Þa bohte man æt Tuce 7 æt hire sune Clacce .lx. æcera ælc mid .x. penegum . 7 hire weron festermen Gunna 7 Hundulf 7 Saxa 7 Þurferð.

7 æt þan .xx. æcera þa man bohte æt Vfige ælne mid .xx. penegun . 7 mid .viii. penegun. 7 him weron festermen Tunna his feder 7 Vlf . 7 Osulfe

7 æt is modur Aswige man bohte .lx. æcera elcne mid .x. penegun . 7 him weron festermen Wulgar 7 Eadric 7 Osferð 7 Styrcyr 7 Ætlebrant.

Þonne bohte man æt Wulnoðe metere Oxanege . þonne on Oxanige is ametenes wudes 7 feldes 7 medwe .xxv. æcera 7 wiðutan þan ige sixti sticca landes þet is ?meten to .xxx. æcerum . 7 on wude þe þridde treow . þer wiðutan 7 him man sealde wið Oxanige 7 wið ðan þer utan .xxv. mancussa goldes . 7 him weron festermen Gyreweard . 7 Æthelnoð Ætþelferðes sune greatan . 7 Wulnoðes agen sune. Þonne is geseald wið Wyðeringaige 7 Oxanige .xv. pund.

Þis synd þa festermen þere þreore hyda æt Þeorp þe Adeluuold .biscop. gebohte æt Sygeferðe mid .xvi. pundun . þet is þonne ærest Frena 7 Ælsige 7 Ælfnoð Badan sune . 7 Osferð Friðegistes sune . 7 Hudeman . 7 Oggod . 7 Ælfuuard . 7 Gyreweard . 7 Maneboia . 7 þis was gedon æt Wylmesforda.

Þis synd þa festermen þe Herulf Adan sune funde Aldulfe abbod 7 Goduine Ælfsies sune þa hi þat land bohton æt Badingtune . þat is Æthestan Catlan sune . 7 Leofsie Þurlaces sune . 7 Tufes on Hylpestune 7 Æðestan on Uptune . 7 Osulf on Castre . 7 Osferð Oggodes sune . 7 on þam westende Ælfuuard on Dentune . 7 Sumerlyda preost . 7 Oswi on Æðelingtune . 7 Þurferð Rolfes sune . 7 Cytel is broðer . 7 Sumer æt Stoce . 7 Osulf Hudemannes sune . 7 þis wes gedon æt Vndelum on þere .viii. hundreda gewytnesse.

Þis synd þa festermen þe Æincund funde Ældulfe abbod æt þan lande æt Anlafestune þe he æt him bohte . þet is Eadric on Torp . 7 Eðestan Catlan sune 7 Tufes on Beornican . 7 Tufes on Hylpestune . 7 Leofsie Þurlaces sune . 7 Grymkytel . 7 Vlf his agen broðor . 7 þerto twa hundreda.

Þis synd þa borhhanda þe Swuste 7 hire dohter funden Ældulfe abbod æt oðre ælfe hyde æt Lundingtune on þere .viii. hundred gewytnesse æt Vndelum þet wes Goduine Ælfsies sune . 7 Ælfnoð æt Creast . 7 Sumerlyda preost . 7 Sumerlyda æt Stoce . 7 Osulf Hudemannes sune . 7 Adeluuold Fryðegistes sune . 7 Leofsie Alhstanes sune æt Hyslepe . 7 Þurforð Rolfes sune . 7 Cytel his broðor . 7 Oswi on Æilintune . 7 þer to ealle þa .viii. hundreda into Undelum.

Þis synd þa Wynemannes lafe æt Randan funde Ældulfe abbod æt are hyðe æt We'r'mingtune þet is hyre agan sune an 7 hyre þreo gebroðre . Osulf 7 Fastolf 7 Beorneh . 7 Adeluuold Fryðegistes sune . 7 Sumerlyda preost . 7 Sumerlyda æt Stoces . 7 Þurferð Rolfes sune 7 Cytel his broðor . 7 Oswi on Æþelingtune 7 Eduuine Edrices sune . 7 Elfuueard on Dentune.

Þis is seo swutelung þe Ælfweard on Dentune wroðte wið Eadulf abbod þa he him þat land agæf æt Wermingtune þe he on woh genumen hæfde . þet is Frena . 7 Osferð Fryðegystes sune . 7 Adeluuold his broðor . 7 Sumerlyda preost . 7 Osulf Hudemannes sune . 7 on his wedde gesealde þet landt Wermingtune æfter his dæg into sancte Petre for his saule on hyra gewytnesse.

AElig;thelwold and Abbot Ealdulf and Sumerlida the priest, who took the security for the estate at Warmington, the first is Hudeman of Achurch, the second is Ælfweard of Denton, the third is Sumerlida of Stoke, the fourth is Othulf of Barnwell, the fifth is Fastulf of Finnesthorpe, the sixth is Steigncytel of Luddington, the seventh is Ogga of Southwick, the eighth is Thurferth of Warmington, the ninth is Cytel his brother, the tenth is Oswi[g] of Elton, the eleventh is Osmund of Catworth, the twelfth is Cytel, son of Clac of Warmington, the thirteenth is Sumerlida the priest, who took the security.

These are the sureties whom Osferth and Thur found for Bishop Æthelwold and Ælfric cild and Abbot Ealdulf at a meeting of 8 hundreds at Wansford, on behalf of their kinsmen, with regard to the estate at Benefield, the first is Osferth himself, the second Ealhstan of Islip, the third Wulfnoth, Stric's son, the fourth is Sumerlida of Stoke, the fifth is Ætheric the Long.

These are the sureties whom Frithulf and his brothers found for Abbot Ealdulf with regard to the estate at Walton, which consists of 80 acres of woodland and open country. The sureties are Frena and Wulfnoth, Clac's son, and Ætlebrant of Pilsgate and Cnut and Styrcyr of Upton and Boia of Milton and Drabba his brother. When Abbot Ealdulf bought the homestead from Goding of Walton, his sureties were Ulf and Eincund and Grim of Castor. When Earl Ælfric bought the estate at Leobrantestune from Frena at a meeting of the whole host at Northampton, the whole host was security on his behalf that the estate was unburdened.

These are the sureties whom Osgar found for Abbot Ealdulf, when he bought the estate at Maxey, the first is Frena, the second is Ulf, Dodd's son, the third is Osbern, the fourth is Hundulf, the fifth is Boia of Milton, the sixth Wigulf, Sunte's son, the seventh Eadric of Thorpe, the eighth Grim his brother, the ninth Brenting.

There are 24 acres of woodland and 22 of arable land, apart from the other land held in common, which Abbot Ealdulf bought from Cyneferth, and Ulf, Dodd's son, was security, and Eadric of Thorpe and Eincund and Orm; and he bought 12 acres from Orm, and Ulf was security, and Eincund and then all the wapentake, and 20 acres from Hungifu, and Eadric the Small was security and Fastulf the priest and Orm.

These are the securities whom Osgot found for Abbot Ealdulf on behalf of the estate at Castor, which he paid over to him for the outlawry he had incurred through slaying Styrcyr, Oggod and his two sons, Oswig the priest, Grim, Boia, Drabba, Æthelstan of Upton, Clac and Styrcyr. It consists of a homestead and 40 acres of arable land and meadow.

The estate at Wittering which Mannel gave to Bishop Æthelwold consists of one hide less and oxgang. These are the sureties, Gyreweard, Gyrping, Thurwold of Maxey and Steigncytel. Then Clac gave a hide less an oxgang. These are the sureties, Oggod of Castor, Ulf, Dodd's son, Thurwold of Helpston, Clac of Castor. The sureties for Ufi were Ulf, Eorl's son, and Cytelbearn and Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Clac of Barnwell. The sureties for what Æthelred gave to Bishop Æthelwold are Ulf, Dodd's son, Thurwold of Helpston, Clac of Castor, Thurlac Farthing.

Abbot Ealdulf bought the mill at Ashton from Martin for two pounds, and his sureties are Frena and Sigeferth and Osferth.

Here it is declared that Abbot Ealdulf bought a hide of land at Ashton from Ælfwold, with the cognisance of the three hundreds at Wy?re?e cross, and his sureties are Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Brihtsige, Warmund's son, and Sumerlida the priest and Hudeman of Achurch.

When Earl Æthelwine and Abbot Ealdulf gave Æthelstan and Ælfwold the final penny for the estate at Peterborough, the sureties were Frena and Æthelsige, the earl's uncle, and Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Ælfnoth, Bada's son, and Sumerlida the priest.

The estate consists of 20 acres of woodland and open country, apart from the pasture which pertains to it, that Abbot Ealdulf bought from Osgod of Bainton with the cognisance of the two hundreds at the Dykes, and his sureties are Thurlac and Herulf and Ætlebrant and Hundulf. Abbot Ealdulf and Ælfwold bought 1.5 hides from Swift for 8 pounds. These are the sureties, Frena and Ulf, Eorl's son, and Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Hudeman and Sumerlida, with the cognisance of the three hundreds attached to Oundle.

These are the sureties whom Wulfgeat and Gyrping found for Abbot Ealdulf, when they paid over the estate at Maxey for the outlawry which he pronounced on Wulfnoth, the first in Hundulf, the second is Ulf, Dodd's son, the third Thurlac, the fourth Sigar, the fifth Thurwold of Maxey. The estate consists altogether of 29 portions.

In this document it is declared who are the sureties for the purchase of land which Bishop Æthelwold made from various men out at Wittering; first of all 24 acres from Gyreweard, and a good dwelling-house in addition, and it was given him for 12 mancuses of gold and 8 ores of pure white money, and his sureties were Frena and Sigeferth and Oggod. Then from Tuce and her son Clac 60 acres were bought for 10 pence each, and her sureties were Gunna and Hundulf and Saxa and Thurferth. And for the 20 acres which were bought from Ufi for 28 pence each, the sureties were Tunna his father, and Ulf and Usulf, and from his mother Aswig 60 acres were bought for 10 pence each, and the sureties were Wulfgar and Eadric and Osferth and Styrcyr and Ætlebrant.

Then from Wulfnoth the painter was bought Oxney. The amount of woodland and open country and meadow at Oxney is 25 acres by measure, and outside the island 60 pieces of land which amount to 30 acres, and in the wood outside every third tree. And for Oxney and what lay outside were given 25 mancuses of gold, and his sureties were Gyreweard and Æthelnoth, son of Æthelferth the Stout, and Wulfnoth's own son. For Wittering and for Oxney 15 pounds were paid.

These are the sureties for the three hides at Thorpe which Bishop Æthelwold bought from Sigeferth for 16 pounds, namely first Frena and Ælfsige and Ælfnoth, Bada's son, and Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Hudeman and Oggod and Ælfweard and Gyreweard and Maneboia, and this was done at Wansford.

These are the sureties whom Herulf, Ada's son, found for Abbot Ealdulf and Godwine, Ælfsige's son, when they bought the estate at Bainton, namely Æthelstan, Catla's son, and Leofsige, Thurlac's son, and Tufes of Helpston, and Æthelstan of Upton and Osulf of Castor and Osferth, Oggod's son, and at the west end Ælfweard of Denton and Sumerlida the priest and Oswig of Elton and Thurferth, Rolf's son, and Cytel his brother, and Sumer[lida] of Stoke and Osulf, Hudeman's son, and this was done at Oundle with the cognisance of the 8 hundreds.

These are the sureties whom Eincund found for Abbot Ealdulf for the estate at Anlafestune which he bought from him, namely Eadric of Thorpe and Æthelstan, Catla's son, and Tufes of Barnack and Tufes of Helpston and Leofsige, Thurlac's son, and Grimketel and Ulf, his own brother, and 2 hundreds in addition.

These are the sureties whom Swuste and her daughter found for Abbot Ealdulf for the 1.5 hides at Lutton, with the cognisance of the 8 hundreds at Oundle, namely Godwine, Ælfsige's son, and Ælfnoth of Creast and Sumerlida the priest and Sumerlida of Stoke and Osulf, Hudeman's son, and Æthelwold, Frithegist's son, and Leofsige, son of Ealhstan of Islip, and Thurferth, Rolf's son, and Cytel his brother and Oswig of Elton, and in addition the 8 hundreds attached to Oundle.

These are [the sureties] whom the widow of Wineman of Raunds found for Abbot Ealdulf for the one hide at Warmington, namely first her own son and her three brothers - Osulf and Fastulf and Beornheah - and Æthelwold, Frithegist's son, and Sumerlida the priest and Sumerlida of Stoke and Thurferth, Rolf's son, and Cytel his brother and Oswig of Elton and Edwin, Eadric's son, and Ælfweard of Denton.

This is the declaration [of the agreement] which Ælfweard of Denton made with Abbot Ealdulf when he gave up to him the estate at Warmington which he had wrongfully taken, [and produced sureties], namely Frena and Osferth, Frithegist's son, and Æthelwold his brother and Sumerlida the priest and Osulf, Hudeman's son; and on his security granted the estate at Warmington with their cognisance to St Peter's after his death on behalf of his soul.