S 1221

A.D. 1026. Healthegen (? Haldane) Scearpa to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Saltwood, Kent. Latin.

Archive: Canterbury, Christ Church

MSS: 1. BL Cotton Ch. x. 11 (s. xii1; BM Facs., iv. 17)
2. Bodleian, James 10, p. 108 (s. xvii; incomplete)

Printed: Twysden, X Scriptores, col. 2223 ex MS 3; K 742 ex MS 1; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 9; Fleming 1997, pp. 140-1 (no. 69) ex MS 4.

Comments: Bond 1878, p. 7, 12th century, p. 74, written on a fragment of an erased charter; Napier and Stevenson, p. 151, impossible witnesses; Larson 1910, p. 725 n. 28, clearly spurious; Parsons 1939, pp. 16-17, 19-20, forgery based on partly erased scribal memorandum from 9th century; Harmer, Writs, p. 576, impossible witnesses for ostensible date; Darlington 1955, p. 29; Bishop and Chaplais, 1957, plate III, palimpsest, parchment probably lower part of a 9th-century diploma which is incompletely erased, some subscriptions incorporated in upper script; Dumville 1983, pp. 49-50, MS 1 created by scribe of ASC MS F (BL Cotton Domition viii) from erased original, cf. also S 1088.