S 1196

? A.D. 859. 1. Plegred declares that he has purchased from Æthelmod, dix, a half tun which previously pertained to Wilburgewellan near Canterbury (? Well near Ickham), Kent. 2. Æthelmod grants the land to Plegred. Latin and English with bounds.

Archive: Canterbury, Christ Church

MSS: 1. BL Cotton Aug. ii 16 (s. ix med.; BM Facs., ii. 34)
2. Bodleian, James 24, pp. 95-6 (s. xvii; ex 1)

Printed: K 282; B 497; Earle, pp. 130-1; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 26.

Comments: HS, p. 612, spurious or corrupt; Bond 1878, p. 7, contemporary; Sweet, OET, p. 450 (no. 43); Deansley 1927, p. 4 n. 3; Wallenberg, KPN, pp. 203-5; Drögereit 1935, p. 408 n. 3, original; Campbell 1938, pp. 146-7, authentic; Kuhn 1943, p. 470, authentic; Stenton 1955, p. 51, cited; Chaplais 1978, p. 16 n. 23, scribe also wrote S 328, 332 and part of 1197(= 1981, XIV p. 16 n. 23); Brooks 1984, pp. 29, 361 n. 70, scribe also wrote S 316, 328, 332, 344, 1195, 1197 (confirmation only); Lapidge 1996, p. 450, notes on latinity.

Endorsement in a hand of s. xii: Pleired dedit Eðelmod duci terram at Wilburgewel . latine

+ In nomine almo trino divino an'no' dominice incarnationis . dccclviiii . indictione septem ego Plegred aliquam terre unculam emi 'et' Eðelmode duci sexcentis denariis hoc est an healf tun que ante pertinebat to Wilburgewellan ðet land healf 7 healfne tun hiis terminibus circumcincta ab oriente cyniges heiweg a meritie stret to scufeling forde ab occidente stur ab aquilone cyninges land 7 halfne weruna prata on burgwara medum suðeweardum 7 an norðeweardum burgwaramedum healfmed 7 meahselog an cyninges strete . Hanc casam supranominatam ego Eðelmod Plegrede donabo sibi abendum et possidendum feliciterque in dies ejus perfruendum et post dies ejus cuicumque ei eredi placuerit derelinquendum liveram per omnia abeat potestatem si autem continga't' quod aliquis posterum meorum hanc meam donationem infringere vel minuere temptaverit sciat se coram Christo judice rationem esse redditurum communi via per unam portam perfruendum intra villulam et extra villulam .

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